Final Fantasy XIV - Balmung
a wandering bun, unable to find his way

Atticus Stargazer

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Backstory Hooks Bonus Round

carrd update status
4 / 28 / 2024

City Name:
ㅤㅤㅤAtticus Stargazer
Birth Name:
ㅤㅤㅤShara Lesrekta / Monnawesfv
ㅤㅤㅤAtty, Tick Tack
ㅤㅤㅤ24th Sun / 2nd Umbral Moon
ㅤㅤㅤLesrekta (Skatay Range)
Patron Deity:
ㅤㅤㅤMenphina, the Lover
ㅤㅤㅤCourier / Painter
ㅤㅤㅤMale (He/Him)
ㅤㅤㅤPansexual, Polyamorous
Marital Status:
ㅤㅤㅤGilver Seaswept (Boyfriend)
ㅤㅤㅤClover Macabre (Widower)

Notable Features

ㅤㅤㅤNaturally Platinum
ㅤㅤㅤPorcelain Fair
ㅤㅤㅤNaturally Pink
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ(left eye is cloudy and discolored.)
ㅤㅤㅤViera | Veena
ㅤㅤㅤSoft, lean, but work-fit
ㅤㅤㅤ5 fulms, 10 ilms (excluding the ears)
ㅤㅤㅤ168 ponz
ㅤ• ㅤㅤㅤP.J. Byrne as Bolin
ㅤ• ㅤㅤㅤStephen Christian of Anberlin

ㅤ• Left Eye Injury

ㅤㅤOne of many battle-inflected injuries that still plague him that nearly lead to his death. While his vision has returned, it remains heavily impaired.ㅤㅤFor those with in depth knowledge of Magitek, they might notice his eye has been completely replaced. Atticus is entirely unaware.

ㅤ• Tattoo: A Sleeve of Flora

ㅤㅤNear the wrist, at the base of the tattoo, is a messenger bag that serves as a foundation. Sprouting from the bag are a cascade of clovers, each intricately inked with fine details. The four-leafed wonders grow into a mixture of blossoming flowers, their petals unfurling in a riot of color. Vivid vines, adorned with leaves and tendrils continue to climb upward, wrapping around his right arm like a verdant embrace.

Notable Accessories

ㅤ• Sketchbook / Journal

ㅤㅤOne in a series of handmade books that he's bound over the years. Like the previous ones, he uses it to keep track of his thoughts, idle musings, and sketches. While he doesn't share his journal with others he's often a bit careless with it, even leaving it lying about in plain sight at times. Despite this, he habitually checks his bags to make sure it's with him when he's ready to leave on any kind of journey.

ㅤ• Pan Flute

ㅤㅤA gift given to him by his great grandmother, Lerenar, when he left the city to accompany his mentor. While small, it was expertly crafted and was part of a series of musical gifts given to the rest of his litter. It can almost always be found on his person, and during particularly lonesome periods he can be found playing the simple songs his mother taught him as a kit.

ㅤ• Sorg (Sorrow)

ㅤㅤA parting gift from Arjm Foixewesfv, Atticus' mentor, as he left his homeland to defend their people from the rapid expansion of the Garlean Empire. Despite its charming design and sturdy construction, this staff rarely sees use. These days, Sorg can be found hanging on the wall near his desk. He considers it one of his most treasured belongings.

ㅤ• Seneca (A Pre-imperial Garlean Revolver)

ㅤㅤA family heirloom that was used as a tool to teach Atticus how to use a gun. Despite the poor vision in his left eye, he took to the weapon remarkably well. Following the death of his friend, the Garlean defector that had saved his life, Atticus took the man's name and revolver to honor his memory.

ㅤ• Dull Eternity Ring

ㅤㅤThe once-polished metal, now softened by weather and time, bears the weight of both enduring memories and a profound sense of loss. It continues to be worn, a bittersweet symbol of a commitment that has faced the ultimate test. Now it has become a connection to a cherished past, a tangible link to someone who once made promises of forever.

Aesthetics & Inspiration




ㅤㅤSomething Atticus is well known for in many communities is his delivery service. When you absolutely have to make sure something arrives somewhere in the best condition possible, he's your man. Atticus will protect your parcel with his life. Just don't expect it to get there fast without paying a bit extra to pay for the services of his Navigator, Gilver Seaswept. Most of his clients are completely unaware of his terrible sense of direction and how he often ends up lost along the way.

ㅤPortraits For Thee

ㅤㅤThough not his primary profession, painting is often the bigger breadwinner for this viera. With a passion for landscapes that traditionally goes unrewarded, Atticus usually paints portraits for his clients. His passion-paintings rarely move his clients to purchase them, causing him to doubt his ability as an artist and heavily affect his self esteem. Despite this, he rarely turns down a client's requests as those are the works that keep his belly full.




Life Before ㅤ• ㅤIn The Care of the Enemy ㅤ• ㅤA New Name and a New Lifeㅤ • ㅤBeginning Again

ㅤLife Before

ㅤㅤAfter leaving Lesrekta when he came of age, Shara was guided by his mentor, Arjm. He underwent relentless training for years, developing a high level of proficiency with a number of weapons in various fighting styles. This rigorous schedule was often the case for males of his village. Training aside, Shara and Arjm lived a relatively simple life surrounded by nature. Together they would barter with other wood warders at Lesrekta's outer markets and occasionally make deliveries on behalf of Lesrekta to other villages, often bolstering trade to the home they protected.

Despite Arjm's best efforts to keep Shara on a strict schedule, the young boy could often be found lazing about. There wasn't a river or a stream whos bank he hadn't lounged on, playing what few songs he knew on a small wooden flute, a gift from his grandmother Lerenar. Arjm took these opportunities to teach Shara how to fish, but not just for sustenance; it was meditative, a peaceful connection to the water flows near their home. Shara was also taught skills like woodcraft and leatherwork, creating art from the ancient trees and wildlife. Arjm passed down not just practical knowledge but a deep appreciation for the secrets of The Wood and the balance between nature and civilization. Despite the young man's aptitude for the lessons, Arjm often called his pupil Stargazer for his lackadaisical approach at life, frequently finding Shara watching the skies after the sun had set.

It was a peaceful life full of comfort, but it was not to last. Things changed when the Garlean Empire brought war to their tranquil home. The clash between the wise and primal Viera and technologically advanced Garleans was a challenging chapter for the Veena. Shara, armed with years of practice in combat and the bonds forged in his rustic life, faced a powerful adversary with his brethren. Their conflict not only tested his strength but also forced him to question the delicate balance between tradition and forging a new path. A path that could safeguard the very heart of their sanctuary in a different way.

Life Before ㅤ• ㅤIn The Care of the Enemy ㅤ• ㅤA New Name and a New Life ㅤ• ㅤBeginning Again

ㅤIn The Care of the Enemy

With the blessing of both his village and his mentor, Shara left Lesrekta to confront the Garlean Advance. Though his choice came with the penalty of never being allowed to return home Shara was committed. Though young, he carried the weight of his people's hopes, determined to stop the empire before it ever reached his village. Armed with skill and resolve, burdened by the knowledge that there was no turning back, he disappeared into the wilds.The battle came sooner than expected. A brutal skirmish against a well-armed Garlean unit proved overwhelming for the young Veena and his fellows. Struck down, bleeding out, He was just another nameless casualty to the Empire's relentless march.

When he woke, it was not in the afterlife he had braced for, but in a modest home nestled high in the mountains. His wounds had been tended and his body made whole again. An unlikely savior responsible: A Garlean defector that had at one time bore the name Atticus Kir Seneca. While suspicion hung thick between them, Shara had little choice but to accept the help of a perceived enemy.Days turned to weeks, and necessity forced them into uneasy cooperation. Slowly, guarded words gave way to conversation, and hostility softened into understanding. In time, the lines between friends and enemies blurred, and what began as reluctant survival became something deeper. Against all odds, Shara and Atticus forged a bond not of duty or war, but of friendship, one unshaken by past allegiances, and perhaps strong enough to defy the world that made them enemies.

As their bond deepened, Shara and Atticus exchanged the wisdom of their past lives, each offering the other a glimpse into the world they had left behind. Shara spoke of the Veena’s ways—of the harmony between hunter and land, of the quiet vigilance that kept his people safe in the forests. In turn, Atticus recounted the rigid order of Garlean life, the expectations placed upon its soldiers, and the weight of a name tied to a history he no longer wished to claim. They were two exiles, finding solace in understanding what the other had lost.

Through their growing trust, they became teachers as well as friends. Atticus, ever patient, placed a revolver in Shara’s hands—a family heirloom, its barrel worn smooth from generations of use—and guided him through the mechanics of precision and restraint. Shara, in return, taught Atticus the art of the hunt, how to track prey through dense brush, how to mend torn garments and tools, how to live off the land rather than simply survive it. The lines between their pasts blurred, woven together in shared knowledge and quiet companionship.

But peace is fleeting. One bitter day, Shara returned to their secluded home to find only charred remains, smoke curling from the ruins like ghosts of what once was. And in the snow, cold and still, lay Atticus. His past had finally caught up to him.Shara would never know the hands that had ended his friend’s life, but in the weeks that followed, through careful tracking and silent retribution, he unearthed their names. He never spoke them aloud, but he carried them with him, a weight pressed into the marrow of his bones. In the shadows of the forest, through the guerilla warfare his people had mastered, he struck when the moment was right, never reckless, always certain. By the time the war neared its end and the Garleans withdrew, he had avenged Atticus in nearly every way that mattered.

With the empire’s retreat, the Veena celebrated, their lands freed from the enemy’s grip. For the first time since his departure, Shara allowed himself to wonder—would his village truly bar his return? He would never know. Standing at the threshold of choice, he found he could not bring himself to seek the answer. His old life was gone, buried in snow and ash. And so, he walked forward instead.At the first village he reached, when a stranger asked for his name, he hesitated. The boy named Shara had been left behind in the wilds, alongside all he had lost. He needed something new, something that honored the past without chaining him to it. And so, he spoke a name not born, but chosen—a name that carried the weight of memory and the promise of the road ahead.That was the day Atticus Stargazer was born.

Life Before ㅤ• ㅤIn The Care of the Enemy ㅤ• ㅤA New Name and a New Lifeㅤ • ㅤBeginning Again

ㅤA New Name and a New Life



Life Beforeㅤ • ㅤIn The Care of the Enemy ㅤ• ㅤA New Name and a New Lifeㅤ • ㅤBeginning Again

ㅤBeginning Again


Bonus Round

Everything listed in this section is information you can find out by meeting Atticus in person.I've shared it in case you'd like to learn a little bit more about him without obligation.Don't feel like you need to know any of this information just to approach him.

Likes and Dislikes

Shady forests.ㅤ•ㅤ
Windy, cloudy days.ㅤ•ㅤ
City Markets, for trinkets.ㅤ•ㅤ

ㅤ•ㅤThe open sea.
ㅤ•ㅤWaking up early.
ㅤ•ㅤBattlefields, active or not.


ㅤ• Fishing

ㅤㅤA trade near and dear to his heart: Atticus spends his time lazily enjoying the sounds of the Wood, rain or shine, while sipping at his favorite drinks and playing on his pan flute. It's a time to avoid responsibility and enjoy life. Sometimes he even manages to catch a few fish to bring home for dinner too.

ㅤ• Painting

ㅤㅤWhile it was originally just a hobby, it gave him a reason to meet and trade goods with others in the Wood. Now, however, it seems to become a great source of income. While most of his paintings end up piled one atop of the other upon completion, there are those that seek out his talents for a portrait.

ㅤ• Playing Music

ㅤㅤAtticus' musical talent is limited. He lacks the ability to write his own songs or read sheets that others have written. Instead he relies on the songs of his youth, learned by ear or taught to him by family. Ever since his days as a Wood-warder his pan flute has served as both a friend and a way to remember his family whenever the lonesomeness lingers for too long.


ㅤ• Absinthe Minded

ㅤㅤWhat started as a way to combat loneliness has become a way to treat every discouraging moment of life. In the presence of others and with a lack of sobriety, he became the very definition of a fun drunk. He was even known to make deliveries and even paint under the influence, somehow managing to perform his duties with apparent ease in spite of his troubles. Despite this, it lead to shirking a lot of personal responsibilities and when not in the company of others, his morose nature seemed to multiply. A functional alcoholic is still an alcoholic afterall.ㅤㅤDue to recent developments in his life, he's started managing his alcoholism. It still remains, lingering beneath the surface, and constantly begging for release. Sadly, a bit of peer pressure or a celebration is more than enough to break his streak of success, leading to one more attempt to fresh start.

ㅤ• Directionally Challenged

ㅤㅤIn spite of his ability to handle rough environments safely, Atticus seems to have a knack for completely missing his destination several times over. There have even been times he has even found himself in entirely wrong areas of the world provided he could get there on foot. It doesn't seem to bother him in the least, but he understands how it can affect his work and the confidence his clients may have in his deliveries. Its for this reason he's often seen in the presence of the man he refers to as his navigator, Gilver Seaswept.

ㅤ• Tortured Artist

ㅤㅤSince leaving Lesrekta, Atticus has come to suffer under the tremendous weight of depression. Prior to establishing his courier service, he lead a solitary life. Now, he loves the company of his friends, but he can weigh the feeling of a room down with self-deprecation or morbid humor if he isn't careful. He doesn't realize how much his depression affects him, but somehow it seems to affect his artwork as thought it were some hidden muse.


ㅤ• Educational Discrimination

ㅤㅤAtticus' knowledge outside of his own personal experiences is limited. His ability to read and write is elementary at best and he often worries that he'll be looked down on because of it. When involved in conversation outside of his comfort zone, he tends to remain silent for as long as his company allows it. Despite his fears, he enjoys learning from others and experiencing new things, but is often understandably reluctant.

ㅤ• Going Blind

ㅤㅤFollowing the injury to his eye, Atticus suffered from temporary blindness that left him panic-stricken. Thankfully, partial vision had been restored, but his experience left him with a closely guarded fear. His personal paranoia often leaves him fretting that the vision in his left eye continues to grow worse, but he lacks proof.

Inge Saevar

a therapist and trusted confidante

ㅤㅤDuring a routine delivery to the Under growth grove, I encountered a bold Veena woman whose reason for being there was not immediately apparent. Our conversation was initially playful banter about our respective occupations, but quickly lead to a healthy experience I wouldn't have had without her insistence.ㅤㅤIn her company, I found solace from daily life, losing track of time as we untangled the knots of stress and tension that had plagued me for so long. Her skill at easing my concerns was eye-opening, and she even offered a place to rest for the evening. Her ability to discern just what someone needs is almost enviable. Perhaps I've finally a reason to begin taking deliveries to Vylbrand again.

Lysari Vyr•Komo

the sellsword with a love for the arts

ㅤㅤToday I had a chance encounter with a with a striking Rava woman while painting off the well traveled paths of The Shroud. A mercenary, it turns out, with an imposing figure and encouraging words. Her interest in my art has served as the foundation for what I believe will be a long lasting friendship.ㅤㅤOur conversations eventually moved towards the day-to-day of her mercenary work. With her expertise we've come up with an arrangement where Lysi has offered to help The Blue 'Bo Depot whenever needed. While she will be paid the going rate for her services, her generosity, talent, and professionalism have gone a long way in convincing me that she's the one for the job.


a mysterious masked caretaker

ㅤㅤI was set to meet for Tacos after taking on a delivery from a courier unable to complete their task. However, due to some unclear instructions from Gilver, I ended up meeting an intriguing man named Toki instead. We had a pleasant conversation in Old Gridania, and after spending some time together, we decided to extend the delivery contract.ㅤㅤI was informed that the delivery destination was deep in The Shroud, past the ruins of the former village of Banora. Additionally, I was offered accommodations along the route from Toki and his allies. Lastly, I was given specific instructions to leave the belongings in the under brush growth.

Cana'to Reyki

the punniest mortician i know

ㅤㅤRarely does a man ask you to move a corpse and it turn out to be legal. This mortician, despite his difficult circumstances, is an agreeable sort. He maintains an approachable sense of humor and seems to yearn for a good distraction. Even so, the story of delivering a Roegadyn from La Noscea to Coerthas that was so large he demanded a Chocobo Carriage all to himself seemed to fall flat.ㅤㅤHowever, a venture with the mortician does show some promise, in spite of his financial woes. He has several connections in the city of Ul'dah and consider me dimwitted were I to ignore them.

Gilver Seaswept

the best navigator money can buy

ㅤㅤI could not ask for a better friend though I do worry for his health. He speaks little of his life, but it is clear that his own education exacts a tremendous toll. There is a sadness in him that can not be easily explained.ㅤㅤI have found that he sleeps while in the office and has a poor diet. He talks in his sleep, but the words are difficult to understand. If I do not feed him as if he were a child, he may not eat at all. Were it not for our close companionship, I fear that he would not be able to maintain steady employment.

Na Theine

a hedonistic seamstress with a love for luxury

ㅤㅤDuring a routine route through Ul'Dah, I encountered this unique Roegadyn woman. During our exchange of pleasantries, it became clear that she was interested in the services of The Blue 'Bo Depot. After talking for some time and then agreeing to her terms, she insisted I join her at the Golden Saucer to celebrate our contract. I found myself unable to decline her invitation.ㅤㅤIn the midst of the venue's spectacle, I felt out of place. However, Na's demeanor and love for extravagance kept me entertained. Her presence put me at ease, turned the evening into something memorable, and convinced me of the benefits her services could bring.

Clover Macabre

the greatest woman i have ever known

ㅤㅤIt is with a terrible sadness that I write that Clover Macabre has returned to Aetherial Sea. Her time helping those in the Brume left her exposed to their maladies. In spite of it all she fought to better this world in any way she could, often by directly helping those in need.ㅤㅤThis stubborn gem of a woman somehow found my company worth keeping while she was here, and now this world has become a colder place to live without her. Suddenly I am reminded of home, but I know she would want me to continue exploring the world the way we always dreamed we would together.

Clover Macabre

ㅤㅤThis space is placed in memory of Clover and her player Kristin. Kristin passed away on August 31, 2023 after a harsh battle with cancer. She loved Final Fantasy, enjoyed treasure hunts, raids, mindlessly farming all the content the game could provide, and found herself falling in love with the Island Sanctuary when it was released.

Clover Macabre

Invited me over for tea after our first date!

ㅤㅤClover must have thought I was a fool for the way I danced outside her door when she agreed to dinner. As is customary for all of my obligations, I was late. Somehow she remained amused and in good spirits. I could not have asked for a better night, save for the unpleasant Highlander that invited himself to our table.ㅤㅤShe did not take kindly to his presence and the decent woman I thought I knew was now both angry and fearsome. She was like a cornered couerl, truly terrifying. Twelve defend me if I ever fall on her bad side for I am a dead man.

Clover Macabre

the greatest woman i have ever known

ㅤㅤIt is with a terrible sadness that I write that Clover Macabre has returned to Aetherial Sea. Her time helping those in the Brume left her exposed to their maladies. In spite of it all she fought to better this world in any way she could, often by directly helping those in need.ㅤㅤThis stubborn gem of a woman somehow found my company worth keeping while she was here, and now this world has become a colder place to live without her. Suddenly I am reminded of home, but I know she would want me to continue exploring the world the way we always dreamed we would together.


◈ Screenshots ◈

Atticus' Paintings

ㅤㅤThe Artwork featured here are representations of Atticus' abilities as a painter. There are, however, not actual paintings. It should be noted that these are screenshots altered by an AI to achieve this look.ㅤㅤIf you find yourself interested in having a portrait of your character created in this way, contact me in game. There's no charge (despite Atticus' IC fees), just the RP required beforehand and the screenshots needed after.

◈ Paintings ◈


ㅤㅤThe Illustrations featured here will eventually be broken up into specific galleries. For the time being, all artwork will feature the name of the artist in it's description and links to their respective collections or personal sites will be listed below.

For more content from the artists featured in this gallery, check the links below!

Obscene Scenery
Shiro Animation

◈ Illustrations ◈

About Me

ㅤㅤThanks for taking a looking at Atticus' carrd. I know there is an overwhelming amount of information here, but you don't need to know any of it to RP with me. My friend's call me Phrog. If you're looking to reach me concerning RP, you can always find me in game as Atticus Stargazer on Balmung. I'm also available on Discord, but my username there is reserved for people I've already started RPing with.
ㅤㅤI'm fond of working out ideas ahead of time as some of my social anxieties can cause a bit of a struggle with walk ups. That doesn't mean I won't try, you just probably won't get my best. I love getting tells though and will try my best to respond immediately.ㅤㅤIt should be noted that I referenced Vieran Biology & Culture, a site chock full of information brought together by Ludda, quite a bit while working on the history for this character. I can't thank them enough for creating such a valuable resource for Viera mains and lovers.ㅤㅤAdditionally, the dialogue box graphics used on the Hooks page were created by @DarthSuki. You can find the links to the files for your own use from this tweet!

Please note: I am an adult and I am only interested in playing with other adults.

What can you expect from me?

open for discussion

•ㅤLong-Term Plot Driven Storylines•ㅤMixing Storylines Between Players.•ㅤPre-Determined Relationships •ㅤShort-Term | One-Shot Roleplay

some persuading required

•ㅤCombat Roleplay | Injury | Trauma•ㅤEcho-Driven Storylines•ㅤLore-bending Concepts•ㅤRoleplaying outside of FFXIV:

rarely worth the effort

•ㅤBigotry | Rude Behavior •ㅤLore-breaking Concepts•ㅤMaiming | Death•ㅤRoleplay with Minors•ㅤWarrior of Light / Scion Roleplay

ㅤ• Concerning: Bigotry and Rude Behavior

ㅤㅤIt shouldn't have to be said, but if hiding behind your character's rude behavior is your way of creating intriguing scenarios while absolving yourself of the nature of your character, perhaps you should re-evaluate your stances. Just don't be a jerk IC or OOC.

ㅤ• Concerning: Short-Term and One-Shot Roleplay

ㅤㅤWhile I find immense satisfaction creating long-term storylines, this doesn't mean I'm opposed to shorter scenes. Given the nature of Atticus' occupations, there are plenty of conditions where it makes sense for him to make brief appearances as needed for those that are looking for these services.ㅤㅤFeel free to reach out to me if you'd like Atticus to show up to make a delivery or have need to introduce a painter to your friends!

ㅤ• Concerning: Pre-Determined Relationships

ㅤㅤThis isn't a requirement by any means, but many characters already have a lot of years behind them and who's to say ours haven't already crossed paths? If it makes sense to you that Atticus and your character shared an experience together, please let me know!ㅤㅤBelow is a small list of ideas to try and help spur on this train of thought.

Note: I may limit what options are listed below due to the existence of other relationships.

The Foundation

ㅤ•ㅤBlood Brothersㅤ•ㅤCousinㅤ•ㅤGuardian | Mentor | Parentㅤ•ㅤSibling

The Cornerstones

ㅤ•ㅤBusiness Partnerㅤ•ㅤChildhood Friendㅤ•ㅤFriend of the Familyㅤ•ㅤWood Warder Ally

Old Flames

ㅤ•ㅤChildhood Sweetheartsㅤ•ㅤFriends with Benefitsㅤ•ㅤUnrequited from Atticus'ㅤ•ㅤUnrequited towards Atticus

How would you describe their status?
Awkward, fading, rivals, stable, or toxic?